ACMD briefing on the prevention of drug and alcohol dependence (2015) (PDF)
DrugScope produced many report and briefings in this area and helped to run the Drug Education Practitioner’s Forum
Education and prevention department reports
Joining Forces: Guidance for police working with schools and colleges (2006) (PDF)
Drug Education Practitioners Forum response to Drugs: Guidance for Schools (2010) (PDF)
Drug education for hard to reach parents (PDF)
DEPIS: A practical guide for evaluating drug services (2005) (PDF)
DEPIS: Media Messages (2006) (PDF)
QuADS: Quality Standards in Drug Services (2009) (PDF)
Drugs: Guidance for Further Education Institutions (2004) (PDF)
Drugs: Guidance for the Youth Service (2006) (PDF)
Drug education through theatre: guidance for commissioners (2007) (PDF)
PSHE Call for evidence (2008) (PDF)
Education briefings (2006-2007)
Assessment in drug education briefing (PDF)
Cannabis education briefing (PDF)
Consulting young people briefing (PDF)
Deaf people briefing (PDF)
Gender briefing (PDF)
Ketamine briefing (PDF)
Mobile pupils briefing (PDF)
Poppers briefing (PDF)
Ritalin briefing (PDF)