Positive practice guide for working with people who use drugs and alcohol (2012) (PDF)
DrugScope lobbied the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme to increase its involvement with people with drug and alcohol problems. This resulted in the publication of a ‘positive practice guide’, which was co-produced by DrugScope, IAPT and the National Treatment Agency.
DrugScope was a member of the Making Every Adult Matter (MEAM) coalition in partnership with Clinks, Homeless Link and Mind, which was formed to influence policy and practice to support people with multiple needs. The MEAM vision is set out in Turning the tide (2011) (PDF). Also see the MEAM report, In from the margins (2008) (PDF)
DrugScope was a member of the Bradley Report Group, an independent forum committed to championing the agenda set out in Lord Bradley’s report on diversion from the criminal justice system which had a strong focus on dual diagnosis. DrugScope’s response to the Bradley review (PDF)
Coexisiting Mental Health and Substance Misuse (PDF). Summary report (2015) (PDF)
This briefing, produced on behalf of the Recovery Partnership, provides an overview of the intersection between substance misuse and mental ill health. In a more ideal world, it would have been possible to take a holistic view of a highly integrated system of commissioning, service design and service delivery. However, and despite the publication in 2002 of the first guidelines specifically aimed at addressing multiple needs and dual diagnosis, the progress made in integration at every level has been patchy.
Fulfilling Lives Guide to New Policy Environment for Multiple Needs (2013) (PDF)
This briefing has been prepared by DrugScope on behalf of the Making Every Adult Matter Coalition. It provides an overview of policy themes and initiatives relevant to the multiple needs agenda, including substance misuse, criminal justice, homelessness, mental health and broader issues of public service reform.
Dual Diagnosis Discussion Paper (2012) (PDF)
DrugScope produced this briefing with colleagues at the Centre for Mental Health and the UK Drug Policy Commission to highlight the potential impact of current reforms for people with ‘dual diagnosis’. We brought together Government officials and key stakeholders to discuss the issues at a roundtable event in 2012, and produced this briefing to map out the issues.
Land of the free: an anti-consensus statement (2011) (PDF). Marcus Roberts, Director of Policy and Membership at DrugScope, compares approaches to ‘recovery’ in the substance misuse and mental health fields.
LDAN Homelessness work
LDAN worked with Homeless Link and Shelter to support frontline services that provide services to homeless people. Funded by London Councils and running from April 2013, the project aimed to provide support, specialist advice, training, capacity building opportunities and a full-range of other infrastructure support to front-line agencies providing support to equalities groups around homelessness.
Making connections to build recovery (2013) (PDF): London Drug and Alcohol Network Homelessness Project Report
Consultation responses
DrugScope response to a Royal College of Psychiatrist’s inquiry on self-harm and suicide (2009) (PDF)
DrugScope response to the consultation on the New Horizon’s mental health strategy (2009) (PDF)