Druglink article 2014 – Nice of you to notice: Image and performance enhancing drugs by Joseph Kean and Jim McVeigh

A significant official under-reporting of steroid use is just one of the challenges facing those workers trying to assist many hidden groups of IPED users.

For anyone who trains in a gym and has been brave enough to venture into the free weights area where the monsters live, you will know that steroid users are everywhere. The Crime Survey for England and Wales has steroid prevalence at 50-70,000. But we know (and have hard data to support it) that in areas which have been proactive in service provision for some time, the numbers of registered steroid users usually accounts for somewhere in the region of 1 to 1.45% of that population (1600 registered users in a city or town of 110,000 for example).

Nice of you to notice: Image and performance enhancing drugs (PDF)