Morphine is an opiate found naturally in opium (derived from the opium poppy). It is a depressant or sedative drug that slows down body functions such as heart and breathing rate. Morphine is a strong and effective analgesic used in treating moderate to severe…
Tag Archive for methadone
Meth, green, linctus, physeptone Methadone is a synthetic opiate used as a strong painkiller and as a substitute for heroin in the treatment of heroin dependence. Like heroin, it is a sedative drug that can produce feelings of relaxation and…
Druglink article 2001 – Injecting doubt by Dr David Marjot
The ACMD report, Reducing drug-related deaths is seriously misleading on prescribing injections of opiates, says David Marjot Injecting doubt (PDF)
Druglink article 2000 – Princely patient provision: methadone programme evaluation by Dr Colin Brewer
From time to time all doctors ought to consider whether treatment of a particular patient is as good as it could be. Princely patient provision: methadone programme evaluation (PDF)
Druglink handout 2008 – The new abstentionists by Mike Ashton
Around Bonfire Night 2007 a rocket shook the peak of England’s drug treatment structure – someone asked how many patients ended up drug-free. Clothless as the fabled emperor, 3% came the reply. Bullish engagement and crime reduction claims were dismissed…
Druglink article 2007 – Re-writing the script on heroin by Max Daly
Around 15, 000 heroin users are failing to respond to methadone treatment, while only 300 are being maintained on diamorphine. Max Daly gains exclusive access to a trial which could revolutionise the provision of heroin on the NHS. Re-writing-the-script-on-heroin
Druglink article 2007 – Staying power by Mike Ashton
Is methadone maintenance the answer to reducing the prison population? Is it just an expensive alternative to cold turkey? Mike Ashton looks at the evidence Staying power (PDF)
Druglink article 2007 – Methadone in the madness by Peter Wayne
He has spent 25 of the last 30 years committing petty crime to fund a drugs habit – only to be locked up in jails teeming with drugs. But Peter Wayne’s dealings with a disjointed criminal justice system look set…
Druglink article 2007 – Doctors at war by Tom Carnwath
The public punishment of Dr Colin Brewer at the end of what became known as the Stapleford Case was a sad, expensive and embarrassing debacle which highlighted serious rifts in drug treatment says Tom Carnwath Doctors at war (PDF)
Druglink factsheet 2006 – Subutex and methadone
What are Subutex and methadone. how effective are they? Who are they suitable for? Factsheet – Subutex and methadone (PDF)