Prevention outweighs permissive policy for social benefit to the individual and to society. My cows or yours? Evidence for prevention (PDF)
Tag Archive for prevention
Druglink article 2008 – Risky business by Jenny McWhirter
Give young people credible information about drugs – or just say no? Jenny McWhirter highlights research that shows we first need to understand how young people assess risk Risky business (PDF)
Druglink article 2007 – The big squeeze by Andrew Brown and Hajra Mir
The government is failing to put its money where its mouth is when it comes to steering young people away from drugs. Andrew Brown and Hajra Mir on the impact of controversial cuts on drug education and prevention projects The…
Druglink article 2006 – Sniffing out trouble by Amy McLellan
Schools are not bringing in sniffer dogs and drug tests purely to catch out their pupils. They have a reputation to nurture, says Amy McLellan Sniffing out trouble (PDF)
Druglink article 2006 – Credibility drive by Jenny McWhirter
Facts, not scare stories, must be at the heart of any drug education strategy. Jenny McWhirter on how stressing that most young people do not use drugs can steer children away from trying them. Credibility drive (PDF)
Druglink article 2005 – Gunning for the future by Harry Shapiro
Arsenal Football Club are one of the biggest names in world football. As the club celebrates 20 years work in the community, Freddie Hudson, Arsenal’s Senior Sports Development Officer, tells Harry Shapiro, how the club is diverting young people away…
Druglink article 2005 – Plugging the gaps by Harry Shapiro
Early intervention and stopping children falling through gaps in services are key elements in the new approach to reducing drug use by young people. Steve Tippell, Head of Prevention at the Home Office Drugs Strategy Directorate, explains the vision and…
Druglink interview 2005 – For the record by Harry Shapiro
While the field has every reason to be encouraged by the government’s response to drug problems since 1997, concerns and anxieties remain in a number of key areas. here, Prime Minister Tony Blair discusses issues such as treatment, cannabis and…
Druglink article 2005 – Testing times by Max Daly
Backed by Tony Blair on the basis of US evidence, the Abbey School became the first state school in Britain to randomnly drug test its pupils. Max Daly investigates what really happened in the US and the problems facing schools…
Druglink article 2004 – ‘Dutch’ Reagan’s drug policy: America’s second Civil War by Harry Shapiro
While the White House trumpeted ‘Just say no’, black urban America was torn apart by crack cocaine. Harry Shapiro looks back at the Reagan years. ‘Dutch’ Reagan’s drug policy: America’s second Civil War (PDF)