Alcohol treatment services (PDF) (2023)
For those in deepest need alcohol treatment services offer real hope. However, despite the alarming increase in alcohol-related deaths over the past twenty years and sharp rises since 2019, the number of people receiving treatment for alcohol dependency has generally been falling. A staggering 82% of the 600,000 dependent drinkers in England are not in treatment. This is despite success rates of around 60% and evidence that, on average, every £1 spent on treatment immediately delivers £3 of benefit and significantly more in the longer term | House of Commons, UK
Statistics on Alcohol, England 2021 (2022)
280 thousand estimated admissions to hospital in 2019/20 where the main reason was attributable to alcohol. 2% higher than 2018/19 and 8% higher than 2016/17 | NHS Digital, UK
Prescriptions for drugs to treat alcohol misuse at 167,000 in 2020/21 (2022)
The number of prescriptions for drugs to treat alcohol misuse was 167,000 in 2020/21, according to newly published data from NHS Digital | NHS Digital, UK
Substance misuse treatment for adults: statistics 2020 to 2021
There were 275,896 adults in contact with drug and alcohol services between April 2020 and March 2021. This is a small rise compared to the previous year (270,705).The number of adults entering treatment in 2020 to 2021 was 130,490, which is similar to the previous year’s figure (132,124). The number of people entering treatment continues to be relatively stable after falling steadily since 2013 to 2014 | Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, UK
Alcohol care teams in district general hospitals: resources, 2019
A set of resources for alcohol care teams, including a case study and assessment checklist, co-produced with Public Health England | NHS and PHE, UK
The hardest hit: Addressing the crisis in alcohol treatment services (PDF), 2018
This research warns that the alcohol treatment sector is in crisis. These services are entering into a cycle of disinvestment, staff depletion, and reduced capacity, and this is due to get worse; in 2020 ring-fenced public health funding will end, posing additional risk to the areas of highest need. [See also Press Release] | Alcohol Concern and Alcohol Research UK, UK
Family Life in Recovery: Understanding recovery from a family perspective: A survey of life in recovery for families, 2018
New research – the first of its kind – shows how the recovery journey of a dependent drinker can markedly improve the lives of their families, for as long as recovery is sustained | Sheffield Hallam University, Alcohol Research UK, Adfam, UK
An Independent Review into the impact on employment outcomes of drug or alcohol addiction, and obesity, 2016
The government asked Professor Dame Carol Black to undertake an independent review into how best to support people who are addicted to alcohol or drugs, or are obese, to start, return or remain in work. This review provides an evidence-based analysis of the factors that stand in the way of employment and recommends practical interventions to help overcome them | Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, UK
Alcohol Treatment Matrix, 2016
The Alcohol Treatment Matrix maps the domain of treatment of problem drinking among adults and for each sub-domain (a cell) lists the most important UK-relevant research and guidance | Findings, UK
State of the Sector 2015, 2016
This report provides a third annual snapshot of a sector still in flux and faced by multiple challenges. The report finds: A continued trend of reduced funding reported by both community and residential services across the last three years; Funding changes reported as having a significant negative impact on the delivery of core services, workforce development and case-loads; Dual diagnosis remains a key challenge, with links with mental health services varying; Passion, innovation and resilience exist in many services across the country | Adfam and Recovery Partnership, UK
Case study: Alcohol treatment: developing an effective local service, 2016
CASA Alcohol Service is a community treatment service run by Blenheim, a charity that provides support services for alcohol and drug users, their families and carers. It was commissioned in 2011 by the London Borough of Islington as a direct access alcohol treatment service | PHE, UK