Cue exposure therapy is under appreciated in relapse prevention for stimulant users. Resisting reaction: acting on cue (PDF)
Tag Archive for amphetamines
Druglink article 2008 – Peaking vallies by Max Daly
Diazepam is set for a return to notoriety – not in its previous incarnation in the 60s and 70s as one of ‘mother’s little helpers’ – but as a rising player in the illicit drugs market among Class A users.…
Druglink article 2007 – Crystal myth by Max Daly
The country we are told is teetering on the brink of a crystal meth epidemic. But the reality couldn’t be more different. Max Daly investigates the truth behind ‘Britain’s deadliest drug.’ Crystal myth (PDF) Additional keywords: ice / methamphetamine
Druglink article 2004 – Up up and away by Dominic Streatfeild, Viv Craske, Tim Bottomley and Russell Newcombe
History of stimulants: Do the white thing Powder cocaine is fast rivalling cannabis as the socially acceptable drug of choice. Crack, its rock-form offspring, is giving heroin a run for its money as the socially unacceptable drug of choice. Waves…
Druglink article 2011 – Crystal crescent by Matthew C. DuPée
Matthew C. DuPée on the spread of the methamphetamine trade in south west Asia. As the 21st century unfolds, Afghanistan finds itself in a profound socio-economic crisis. It is one in which the illegal drug trade and insurgency plays a very complex and important role. According…
Druglink factsheet 2003 – Methamphetamine
What it is. History. Availability. Levels of use. Effects Factsheet – Methamphetamine (PDF)
Druglink article 2012 – From addiction to recovery: twelve easy steps by Nic Sheff
Nic Sheff, an American who gives lectures on his recovery from methamphetamine addiction was confronted by an angry listener who said he made it sound so damned easy. And it made him think. From addiction to recovery: twelve easy steps (PDF)
Druglink article 2013 – Greek tragedy by Max Daly
Still reeling from an HIV epidemic among injecting drug users, Greece is now dealing with a low-grade methamphetamine called ‘sisa’, that has joined heroin as the drug of choice for the country’s destitute population. Max Daly reports on a drug scene being shaped by…
Druglink article 2014 – Chinese takeaway by Peter Shadbolt
A massive police raid on a meth-making village in China exposed the links between the country’s vast chemical industry and Mexican drug gangs. Chinese takeaway (PDF)
Druglink article 2014 – Stress release by Rebecca Lees
The rise of problematic stimulant use within the gay drug scene is stretching already limited services for LGBT users. Rebecca Lees investigates what is driving this scene and what is being done to help those who needed help. Stress release (PDF)