Prisoners serving short sentences for minor crimes are being let out early to ease chronic overcrowding in jails. But the policy is causing problems for services that help prison leavers with drug problems back into the community. Early birds (PDF)
Tag Archive for employment
Druglink article 2009 – Invisible wounds by Laura Brooks
Like many former soldiers, Michael York and Simon Smith struggled with drug and mental health problems after leaving the army. Laura Brooks asks whether the authorities are doing enough to help veterans cope with life on civvy street. Invisible wounds…
Druglink article 2009 – Transformers by Martin Barnes
Despite the successes of Labour’s attempts to tackle social exclusion, there remains a section of society whose complex needs remain unresolved. Martin Barnes on a new coalition that intends to eliminate barriers by looking at the big picture. Transformers (PDF)…
Druglink factsheet 2009 – Drug testing part 2 by Niamh Eastwood
Although most employers in non-safety critical industries have yet to adopt a strategy of drug testing staff, much uncertainty surrounds the rights of employees who are required to undergo tests. Head of Legal Services at Release, Niamh Eastwood, provides a…
Druglink factsheet 2008 – Drug testing part 1 by Niamh Eastwood
Although most employers in non-safety critical industries have yet to adopt a strategy of drug testing staff, much uncertainty surrounds the rights of employees who are required to undergo drug tests. Head of Legal Services at Release, Niamh Eastwood, provides…
Druglink article 2008 – Work in progress by Tara Craig
A history of drug addiction isn’t the ideal preparation for the job market. Yet it doesn’t have to be an albatross either. Tara Craig reports on the path to finding work for recovering drug users. Work in progress (PDF)
Druglink article 2008 – Deal or no deal by Marcus Roberts
Radical government welfare proposals could compel claimants with heroin or crack problems to engage with treatment services or lose benefits. Marcus Roberts provides the lowdown on Labour’s tough-talking tactics. Deal or no deal (PDF)
Druglink article 2007 – Hard times, hard drugs by James Egan
The links between poverty and dependent drug use are not inevitable, but strong and hard to break, as Adrian Clarke’s book illustrates. James Egan on how the government must confront deprivation if it is going to reduce the most entrenched…
Druglink article 2007 – Damaged lives by Adrian Clarke
Between 2004 and 2006, Adrian Clarke, a former duty solicitor at King’s Cross police station, photographed and interviewed a network of people in the North east linked to Gary Crooks, an ex-drug dealer, gangster and armed robber. The result, Gary’s…
Druglink article 2007 – Frozen out by Sara McGrail
If people with drug problems continue to be marginalised by the government and the drug treatment industry, society has no hope of reducing the harm caused by substance misuse. Frozen out (PDF) Additional keywords; social exclusion / housing