The use of crack cocaine is intimately linked with sex workers, Nigerian migrants and daily accommodation residential hotels in South Africa. Decriminalisation of prostitution and regeneration of the hotels could be a solution. Sex, drugs and housing: Inner-city South Africa…
Tag Archive for crack
Druglink article 2013 – A cracked myth by Maureen Black and Stacy Buckingham-Howes
New research suggests fears that a generation of ‘crack babies’ would become create havoc on America’s welfare and criminal justice systems have been greatly exaggerated. Researchers Maureen Black and Stacy Buckingham-Howes report on their latest research into prenatal cocaine exposure. A cracked myth…
Druglink article 2014 – 1989: Crack myths and realities in the UK by Robert Stutman
Crack cocaine first made its appearance in the UK around [date]. The stories coming out of the States were of whole communities being devastated by this new form of cocaine. And like smokable heroin in the UK, the effects of…
Druglink article 1996 – Heroin in the ’90s from A to B by Harry Shapiro
The first Druglink in May 1986 looked at the heroin situation in Britain. In this, our tenth anniversary issue, we revisit the drug and its new found publicity through Trainspotting and ask the question ” is smack back – or…
Druglink factsheet 1995 – The crack using client
This factsheet is a distillation of the experience of some of the gencies at the forefront of dealing with crack using clients Factsheet: The crack using client (PDF)
Druglink article 1995 – Peer education among crack users: Not so cracked by Tim Bottonley, Mike Smith and Chris Wibberley
A project run by a community drug team near Manchester involved recruiting crack users to research local crack use. Eight volunteers interviewed over 200 crack users. Though crack-related problems were common, most people were not in touch with services. The…
Druglink article 1994 – The crack report by Harry Shapiro
Enforcement statistics suggest a steep rise in crack use in recent years but not to epidemic levels. Crack is commonly used in some inner city areas, generally on an irregular and non-dependent basis. The connection with black people is stronger…
Druglink article 1993 – Outreach on the front line by Lyn Matthews
Crack was first reported in Liverpool in 1987. By mid 1998 crack use was prevalent among the city’s prostitutes. An outreach worker describes how by the end of 1988 there was concern that the women accepted higher risk sex to…
Druglink article 1993 – Crack injection by Helen Pickering, Martin Donoghoe, Anna Green, Rebecca Foster
More crack users are injecting, risking serious health problems. Crack injection (PDF)
Druglink article 1993 – Home Office research shows crack ‘on every street corner’ in Home Secretary’s constituency
The spectre of a violent crack market undermining Britain’s black communities has been revived by research in Nottingham which reported a ‘highly visible crack dealing scene…dominated by Afro-Caribbeans’ Home Office research shows crack ‘on every street corner’ in Home Secretary’s…