International drug trafficking has been the major rationale for broadening and intensifying international police cooperation and information-sharing. Britain’s new National Criminal Intelligence System is planned to cooperate with similar organisations in other countries but there is concern that the structures…
Tag Archive for enforcement
Druglink article 1992 – A positive bust: arrest referral in Southwark by Jud Baker
A pilot programme to refer drug users to sources of help using a card given to all arrestees at police stations, showed that most who enquired about the project went onto follow the programme of help agreed with a drug…
Druglink article 1992 – The drug war – signs of a tactical retreat? by Peter Mason
Crime prevention initiatives are leading a tentative retreat from the War on Drugs. The drug war – signs of a tactical retreat? (PDF)
Druglink article 1992 – Opportunities in prison by Mike Trace
A significant proportion of prisoners have experienced drug problems and may continue to use drugs in prison in ways that risk HIV transmission. Recent official prison policy documents have encouraged contact between prisons, prisoners and drug agencies in the community.…
Druglink article 1992 – Probation, harm reduction, and drug services by Marilyn Bild
This review of a three year project to establish good practice in a probation service explains the difficulty of implementing a harm reduction strategy in the face of services often unattractive to many users and unwilling to cooperate in achieving…
Druglink article 1991 – Abby, the ecstasy dealer by Nicholas Dorn, Karim Murji and Nigel South
Research involving interviewing drug traffickers and police was used to construct a rough typology of UK trafficking firms as a means of organising the research data. ‘Abby’ – a former ecstasy dealer – fits into the ‘Trading Charities’ type. Not…
Druglink article 1991 – Going to court by Jane Goodsir
This article deals with the procedure after the police find what they believe is evidence of a drugs offence, charge the subject and the case goes to court. Going to court (PDF)
Druglink article 1991 – Detention and questioning by Jane Goodsir
Guidelines for drug users and drug workers. Detention and questioning (PDF)
Druglink article 1991 – Powers of arrest for cannabis by Geoff Monaghan
After over ten years, the law on cannabis is once again under review – but from the police point of view, a ‘parking ticket’ approach could have major repercussions. Powers of arrest for cannabis (PDF)
Druglink article 1990 – Illicit drugs and the world economy by the UN information service
Why a world economy that gives us cheap coffee also gives us cocaine. The rapid decline in raw commodity prices and accumulation of foreign debt in developing countries in the 1980s lies behind the escalating illicit drug production and trafficking…