A survey of all of Britain’s HIV outreach projects in 1988 found 122 projects of which 96 responded. Two-thirds targeted drug injectors and most worked to harm reduction objectives. In practice, the projects’ activities matched their objectives. Contact with clients…
Tag Archive for outreach
Druglink article 1991 – Reaching out could be copping out by Lifeline Project
Before spending large amounts of money on a detached / outreach work scheme to reach drug users who don’t come to existing services, it is wise to examine those services to see if they might be made more attractive. If…
Druglink article 1990 – Reaching the hard to reach by Tim Rhodes, Janet Holland, Richard Hartnoll, Ann Johnson and Sara Jones
Outreach strategies in the USA, Netherlands and UK tend either to be treatment oriented or to aim for safer injecting. These should be seen as complementary objectives both capable of reducing HIV transmission. Providing services ‘on the street’ rather than…
What types of treatment are there?
People who have problems with drug use can access help and treatment either through the health and welfare system. (via drug advice services or GP referral) or through the criminal justice system if they have committed an offence. Health and welfare…