Despite the successes of Labour’s attempts to tackle social exclusion, there remains a section of society whose complex needs remain unresolved. Martin Barnes on a new coalition that intends to eliminate barriers by looking at the big picture. Transformers (PDF)…
Tag Archive for poverty
Druglink article 2008 – Deal or no deal by Marcus Roberts
Radical government welfare proposals could compel claimants with heroin or crack problems to engage with treatment services or lose benefits. Marcus Roberts provides the lowdown on Labour’s tough-talking tactics. Deal or no deal (PDF)
Druglink article 2007 – Hard times, hard drugs by James Egan
The links between poverty and dependent drug use are not inevitable, but strong and hard to break, as Adrian Clarke’s book illustrates. James Egan on how the government must confront deprivation if it is going to reduce the most entrenched…
Druglink article 2007 – Damaged lives by Adrian Clarke
Between 2004 and 2006, Adrian Clarke, a former duty solicitor at King’s Cross police station, photographed and interviewed a network of people in the North east linked to Gary Crooks, an ex-drug dealer, gangster and armed robber. The result, Gary’s…
Druglink article 2005 – Ecstasy: the next generation by Max Daly
Ecstasy has always been associated with clubbing. Now its replacing cans of lager and cider as the street corner drug of choice for children on council estates trying to fend off the bleakness and boredom of their lives. Ecstasy: the…
Druglink article 2004 – Divine intervention: a community back from the brink by Max Daly
The conditions were ripe for drugs to blight a deprived and stranded Teeside community. But, with the help of two nuns, a strong community spirit and some well-targeted funding, the Clarences has worked from within to get back on its…
Druglink article 2013 – Greek tragedy by Max Daly
Still reeling from an HIV epidemic among injecting drug users, Greece is now dealing with a low-grade methamphetamine called ‘sisa’, that has joined heroin as the drug of choice for the country’s destitute population. Max Daly reports on a drug scene being shaped by…
Druglink article 2013 – New age austerity highs by Steve Wakeman and Toby Seddon
In the 1980s heroin use rocketed alongside spiralling deprivation. So why, now we have returned to an era of austerity, is heroin use falling? New age austerity highs (PDF) Additional keywords: Prebagabalin
Druglink article 1999 – Outside society: drugs and social exclusion by Deborah Allen
Over the last 20 years or so a growing body of evidence has shown links between drugs and social exclusion – some are direct, others subtle. Identifying the links could be the start of eliminating them Outside society: drugs and…
Druglink article 1998 – Onion rings to go: social exclusion and addiction by Mark Gilman
A couple of years ago, it was a term used only by European bureaucrats and sociologists. But with the formation of its very own unit within government, the imminent publication of the ACMD’s report on drugs and the environment and…