Latest Home Office figures reveal that the percentage of black people jailed for drug offences has soared from 18% of the total in 1998 to 30% in 2002. Blacklisted: race, drugs and crime (PDF)
Tag Archive for prevalence of drug use
Druglink article 2012 – Red, white and booze by Bill Puddicombe
The latest figures for alcohol consumption in England indicate that consumption is falling including among the young, more of whom think it is not acceptable to be drunk even once a week. Yet figures for hospital admissions have soared by 40% since 2002 which suggests that people…
Druglink article 2012 – ‘Drone strikes by Max Daly
Despite the 2010 ban on mephedrone, drug services are seeing increasing numbers of people coming forward to report serious problems with the drug. Mephedrone, known variously as mcat,bubble and fert is a powerful stimulant whose use appeared to dip after being controlled as a…
Druglink article 2012 – Have we seen the back of smack? by Roger Howard and Nicola Singleton
A sustained fall in the estimated number of heroin users; fewer people coming forward for treatment, an ageing heroin using population. So has the Trainspotting era run out of steam? It is never easy to estimate the numbers of people who are dependent…
Druglink news item 2012 – Cannabis comedown by Max Daly
In July, two sets of government statistics, from the NHS and the Home Office British Crime Survey: Drug Misuse Declared (BCS), again revealed that, overall, drug use has been falling in Britain. Unsurprisingly, the findings were barely reported: if there is no scare factor to a drug…
Druglink article 2013 – Reality check
A snapshot survey of people in drug treatment provides the latest figures on topping-up, unemployment, crime, supervised doses and psychosocial support. But it also reveals that a lack of flexibility may inhibit successful recovery. Reality check (PDF)
Druglink article 1997 – Drought warning: rapid assessment in practice by Jim Sherval and Ian Grant
Reports of a cannabis drought in 1996 prompted the authors to carry out a rapid assessment of the situation in the Lothians. Interviews with drug workers and drug users confirmed the rumours as well as a switch to amphetamine and…
Druglink supplement 1997 – Eurolink
Drug use in Europe. European drug policy and practice. Plus a jargon-free guide to Europe’s institutions! Eurolink (PDF)
Druglink article 1994 – The crack report by Harry Shapiro
Enforcement statistics suggest a steep rise in crack use in recent years but not to epidemic levels. Crack is commonly used in some inner city areas, generally on an irregular and non-dependent basis. The connection with black people is stronger…
Prevalence – drugs
World Drug Report 2024 A global reference on drug markets, trends and policy developments, the World Drug Report offers a wealth of data and analysis and in 2024 comprises several elements tailored to different audiences. The web-based Drug market patterns and…