Tag Archive for smoking


What are e-cigarettes? Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), also known as ‘vapes’ are devices that enable the user to inhale nicotine. They work by heating and vaporising a solution that contains nicotine, glycerine and sometimes flavourings. Inhaling nicotine from an e-cigarette is…

Druglink article 2014 – Money talks by Max Daly

How successful are attempts to incentivise service users towards better health? The use of incentives to reward people for taking positive action, in the field of public health, is a relatively new and untested development in the UK. One of the first trials took place in…


What is tobacco? Tobacco is the dried leaves of the plant that grow in many parts of the world. The main active ingredient is nicotine. Most tobacco used in this country comes from America and is sold as cigarettes. Cigars…