Tag Archive for tobacco


What is tobacco? Tobacco is the dried leaves of plants from the Nicotiana genus that grow in many parts of the world. Around 70 species of tobacco are known, but the species grown commercially is usually N. tabacum. The main…

The ENDS justifies the ends

You would think that a product with the potential to save a billion tobacco-related deaths this century without costing tax-payers a penny would be universally welcomed by governments and the global public health community. You’d be wrong. Startling revelations from…

Druglink article 2012 – Ten years on by Colin Brewer

Back in 2001, Colin Brewer made some predictions in Druglink about future developments for medical treatment. So what happened? Ten years on (PDF) A decade ago, I began my article by considering vaccines that could be tailor-made to block the effects of most misused…

Druglink article 2014 – Money talks by Max Daly

How successful are attempts to incentivise service users towards better health? The use of incentives to reward people for taking positive action, in the field of public health, is a relatively new and untested development in the UK. One of the first trials took place in…

Health – tobacco

The Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction 2024: A Situation Report A Global Perspective uses the latest evidence and new data projections to report on the current global THR situation and its potential to rapidly reduce the burden of disease and…


What is tobacco? Tobacco is the dried leaves of the plant that grow in many parts of the world. The main active ingredient is nicotine. Most tobacco used in this country comes from America and is sold as cigarettes. Cigars…