A study has found prisoners with class A addictions are more likely to avoid returning to drugs if they are given Naltrexone on release. Suzanne Midgley recounts the development of a ground-breaking project in Bristol. Blocking tactics (PDF)
Tag Archive for treatment
Druglink article 2007 – Doctors at war by Tom Carnwath
The public punishment of Dr Colin Brewer at the end of what became known as the Stapleford Case was a sad, expensive and embarrassing debacle which highlighted serious rifts in drug treatment says Tom Carnwath Doctors at war (PDF)
Druglink article 2007 – Frozen out by Sara McGrail
If people with drug problems continue to be marginalised by the government and the drug treatment industry, society has no hope of reducing the harm caused by substance misuse. Frozen out (PDF) Additional keywords; social exclusion / housing
Druglink article 2006 – Sherry aid by Mike Ashton
Problem heroin users have needle exchange and maintenance prescribing, yet there is no harm reduction equivalent in the UK for chronic alcohol users. Mike Ashton on a residential unit in Canada which uses doses of wine and sherry to bring…
Druglink article 2006 – Poppycock: A fine romance? by Theodore Dalrymple and Peter McDermott
Withdrawing from heroin is far from the titanic struggle of misery portrayed by the treatment industry. In his controversial new book, Romancing Opiates, Theodore Dalrymple insists drug addiction is a condition largely invented by users and doctors and that treatment…
Druglink article 2006 – The waltz of addiction by John B Davies
The treatment industry is perpetuating addiction by colluding with drug users to cast them as helpless victims rather than people capable of taking charge of their lives. John B Davies on the downside to just going through the motions. The…
Druglink article 2006 – Time for action by Mike Ashton
Mike Ashton on new research which shows that while it helps many, motivational interviewing can actually make it harder for some to get off drugs. Time for action (PDF) Additional keywords: counselling
Druglink article 2006 – The trouble with tough love by Maia Szalavitz
Every year in America, thousands of teenagers are enrolled on ‘tough love’ regimes to stamp out drug use and other criminal behaviour. But, as Maia Szalavitz reveals, there is little evidence to back up a boot camp mentality which cannot…
Druglink article 2006 – Reefer blockers by Max Daly
As fears over cannabis psychosis grow, little attention is paid to why teenagers develop problems with the drug in the first place. Max Daly on how thousands of young people are smoking themselves numb in order to cope with unhappy…
Druglink article 2006 – Rapid detox under fire by Sam Hart
With its use of a short, sharp bombardment of drugs on patients, rapid opiate detoxification – which sparked fierce debate when it was used to treat three opiate users for a reality TV show – is the heavy artillery of…