The Home Office is drawing up plans to increase the number of police officers who will be tested for drugs. Max Daly reports on the impact of drugs within the ranks. Passing out parade (PDF)
Tag Archive for drug testing
Druglink article 2003 – Urine the money: voucher-based incentive scheme for drug treatment by Stephen Higgins and Sarah Heil
Clean urine gets you points – and points mean prizes. Stephen Higgins and Sarah Heil describe an innovative approach to improving treatment outcomes. Urine the money: voucher-based incentive scheme for drug treatment (PDF)
Druglink Findings 2012 – Will intensive testing and sanctions displace treatment? by Mike Ashton
Enforce frequent drug testing and levy swift, certain and meaningful sanctions for substance use and many dependent users stop using without treatment. Mike Ashton asks if this is the future, or just a niche option applicable to users over whom authorities can exercise…
Druglink article 2000 – Hard Labour: Blair warfare by Gerry Stimson
New Labour’s law, order and cpntrol agenda is cutting a swathe through public sector working practices. the drugs field is not immune Hard Labour: Blair warfare (PDF) Additional keywords: compulsory treatment
Druglink article 2013 – Lab-coated pills by Mike Power
With users in the UK dying from ecstasy tablets containing PMA, are Dutch pill – testing strategies the way forward? Or are users lulled into a false sense of security? Mike Power investigates Lab-coated pills (PDF)
Druglink article 1999 – Positively negative: drug testing uncovered by Claire Meadway, Shashi Parmar and Steve George
Understanding the laboratory approach to drugs testing answers many questions surrounding the results Positively negative: drug testing uncovered (PDF)
Druglink article 2014- The X Factor by Mike Powers
A controversial service in Wales that analyses people’s drugs has been dismissed by some as a naive mistake. But Mike Powers argues that it could be a vital new weapon in harm reduction’s arsenal. ‘Calling all coke dealers: Welsh government will test your…
Druglink article 1998 – Cannabis cures all? by David Jackson
Many drug services are now perfectly at ease with collecting urine samples from clients and discussing the results with them. Research shows that up to three in five opiate users take cannabis on a regular basis. Could there be another…
Druglink new item 1998 – How blue was my ecstasy?
Dr John Ramsey is in favour of a system based on a Dutch model for testing that could warn about rogue batches of drugs and improve our knowledge of what young people are taking. How blue was my ecstasy? (PDF)
Druglink article 1996 – Drug testing in the workplace by Sarah Goode
The issue of drug testing has once again hit the headlines but this time it’s not prisoners who will be tested. The announcement by Grampian police that it is beginning to test recruits, officers and civilian staff has made workplace…