The news that Leah Betts died from drinking too much water and not ecstasy per se has worrying implications for the standard ecstasy harm reduction message to drink lots of water. The effects of E on harm reduction (PDF)
Tag Archive for ecstasy
Druglink article 1993 – In defence of ecstasy by Nicholas Saunders
After personal experience of MDMA with lasting positive effects the author studied the scientific literature and concluded that evidence of brain damage was unreliable. Estimates of the death rate per use episode in Britain suggest ecstasy use is a relatively…
Druglink article 1992 – ‘Heatstroke’ cause of ecstasy deaths
Surprise evidence of liver damage after repeated use Heatstroke’ cause of ecstasy deaths (PDF)
Druglink article 1992 – Ecstasy in the brain by Joe Black, Michael Farrell and Philip McGuire
Development of concern over adverse effects of MDMA has paralleled similar cycles of concern over LSD and other drugs, with increasing use being accompanied by evidence of negative effects. Reports of psychotic reactions and other disorders are to be expected…
Druglink article 1992 – Grant frozen after ministers see ecstasy leaflet
A government grant to Mersey Drug Training and Information Centre has been withheld following a tabloid press storm over the ecstasy information in the centre’s Chill Out leaflet Grant frozen after ministers see ecstasy leaflet (PDF) Additional keywords: newspapers /…
Druglink article 1992 – A researcher reports from the rave by Russell Newcombe
Many thousands of young people take LSD, ecstasy and amphetamine while attending rave dance events. Use is usually occasional and unproblematic but dangers arise from the uncertain composition and strength of the drugs. A minority of ravers take drug cocktails…
Druglink article 1992 – Responding to recreational drug use by Peter McDermott, Alan Matthews and Andrew Bennett
Outreach interventions developed to reach injectors are inappropriate in noisy nightclubs whose customers are there for fun, not counselling. Drug information workers in Mersey instead devised a campaign drawing on the images, materials and distribution mechanisms associated with club culture…
Druglink article 1992 – Agencies face wave of ecstasy problems
Increasing numbers of young people are contacting drug agencies worried about the effects and long term consequences of taking ecstasy. Agencies face wave of ecstasy problems (PDF)
Druglink article 1991 – Beyond opiates… and into the 90s by Mark Gilman
The Lifeline Project in Manchester identified a new group of potential clients among young people attending rave dance venues using a range of drugs including ecstasy, LSD and amphetamine. A cartoon leaflet series was tailor made to attract this group.…
Druglink article 1991 – Abby, the ecstasy dealer by Nicholas Dorn, Karim Murji and Nigel South
Research involving interviewing drug traffickers and police was used to construct a rough typology of UK trafficking firms as a means of organising the research data. ‘Abby’ – a former ecstasy dealer – fits into the ‘Trading Charities’ type. Not…