Doctors are warning of the emergence of an increasing number of people seeking help for severe physical addiction to the Class C liquid solvent GHB and its legal precursor GBL. GBL/GHB addiction cases emerge in UK (PDF)
Tag Archive for solvents
Druglink article 2012 – Whatever happened to ‘glue-sniffing?’ by Richard Ives and Nicola Morgan
Although technically incorrect, the expression gained traction with the media when the practice was at its height back in the 1980s. But whatever you call it, the misuse of solvents has dropped off the radar. Whatever happened to ‘glue-sniffing?’ (PDF)
Druglink article 1999 – Touchy subject, explosive matter: volatile substance abuse by Keith Owen
Solvent abuse kills more young people than ecstasy, the law tries to restrict supply but what about service provision? Touchy subject, explosive matter: volatile substance abuse (PDF)
Druglink factsheet 2014 – GBL
GBL (gamma-butyrolactone) is a ‘pro-drug’ of GHB, which means that it converts to GHB within the body. GBL occurs naturally in certain food products, is found in small quantities in the human body and is available commercially as an industrial solvent and as an ingredient in cleaners,…
Druglink new item 1998 – Butane industry holds its breath
A report from the laboratory of the government chemist, now with the DTI, could cause a major upset in the multi-million pound lighter fuel industry. Butane industry holds its breath (PDF)
Druglink article 1997 – Message on a bottle by Richard Ives
It has killed five times more people in the last decade than cocaine, ecstasy and speed put together, but solvent misuse has always been the ugly sister of the drug field. That could change as slogans like Solvent Abuse Can…
Druglink news 1996 – Bullets, misused substances or just an unfortunate accident?
In October, the Health Education Authority (HEA) followed up its national drug campaign with a fresh one on solvent misuse. The adverts clearly place solvents in the same league as heroin – as a substance people deliberately misuse. This definition…
Druglink article 1990 – The fad that refuses to fade by Richard Ives
Surveys of solvent misuse in the UK in the 1980s confirm that, after cannabis, solvents are the most widely used substances. There has been no discernible drop in usage over the decade; typically 4 to 8 per cent of secondary…
Druglink article 1990 – Helping the sniffers by Richard Ives
Valid professional approaches to solvent misuse may range from doing nothing to in-depth individual counselling or family therapy and action in the local community or wider society. They are not mutually exclusive. Workers should carefully tailor their mix of responses…
Druglink article 1990 – Dangerous games: UK solvent deaths 1983 – 88 by John Ramsey, Kate Bloor and Ross Anderson
Evidence that solvents contribute to more deaths in the under 20s than any other drug. An ongoing study of UK deaths associated with the abuse of volatile substances (VSA) has used consistent recording methods since 1983. Over that period the…