
Briefings and reports

Making the case: a practical guide to promoting drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services locally (2015) (PDF)
Making the case aims to help people working in drug and alcohol services use the skills, assets and testimony of colleagues and service users to tell a positive story about their work and to ensure that treatment and recovery do not slip down the political agenda in their local area. This short, practical guide is full of ideas and case studies about communicating the benefits of drug and alcohol treatment to the different audiences who matter – local decision makers, the local community and local media.

Issues in recovery reports:

DrugScope, on behalf of the Recovery Partnership, examined some of the broader issues around recovery from substance misuse problems, looking at the systems, services and people invested in recovery at all levels, from commissioning systems and service providers to those who have lived experience. Looking through a number of different lenses, we explored the challenges and opportunities for systems and services in their attempts to enhance recovery outcomes for individuals.

Building assets for recovery (PDF)

Addressing intimate partner violence (2014) (PDF)

A hanging landscape for commissioning (PDF)

Advocating for treatment and recovery at the strategic level: Lessons from a round table of commissioner (2014) (PDF)

Other reports:

Public Health Reforms what they mean for drug and alcohol services (PDF)
A DrugScope briefing for the Recovery Partnership.

Building for Recovery (2012) (PDF)
This report by DrugScope on behalf of the Drug Sector Partnership identifies the key constituents of a ‘recovery-oriented’ treatment system and discusses both the opportunities and risks for the drug and alcohol treatment sector at a time of far-reaching policy change and financial austerity. It concludes with ten key recommendations.

Drug and alcohol recovery: Payment by Results briefing (2013)  (PDF)

Payment by results codesign consultation (2013) (PDF)
Draft outcomes for piloting payment by results for drug recovery

Drug Treatment Consensus statement (2010) (PDF)

Domino effects: the impact of localism and austerity on services for young people (2012) (PDF)

Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Treatment at the Crossroads (2010) (PDF)
This report looked at the challenges for young people’s treatment services and identifies key issues that remain relevant to current debate, including the role of children’s services and the issue of transition for the young adult group.

Drug treatment at the crossroads (2009) (PDF)
This report influenced the political debate on drug treatment,and the development of the 2010 Drug Strategy. It was based on extensive consultation with our members and other key stakeholders. At a time when the public debate about treatment was becoming more polarised, it argued for a balanced treatment system.

What does the public really think about addiction and treatment? (2009) (PDF) 
This briefing discusses the findings of a DrugScope/ICM poll on public attitudes to drug treatment. One in five respondents had first hand experience of drug addition (either directly or indirectly) and nine out of 10 agreed that drug treatment should be available to anyone wanting to address a drug addiction

QuADS: Quality in Alcohol and Drug Services (1999) (PDF)

Consultation responses

DrugScope response to Sustaining services, ensuring fairness a Department of Health consultation on migrant access and financial contribution to NHS provision in England (PDF) (2013)

DrugScope response to the Home Affairs Select Committee inquiry on drug policy (PDF) (2012)

DrugScope response to the Health Select Committee’s inquiry on public health (PDF) (2011)

Building Recovery in Communities: DrugScope Submission (PDF) (2011)

DrugScope Response to the 2010 Drug Strategy consultation (PDF) (2010)

DrugScope response to Every Child Matters (2003) (PDF) (2003)